WWBWC Projects

At WWBWC there are (-) main types of projects that we preform regularly, and some that are less frequent.

Click through for a brief overview of their importance, then head to our projects page for more detail on specific projects we've done.


We collect, record, and report on several aspects of water quality in our basin to monitor the abidance of TMDLs and pesticide applications in our area. This includes streamflow data, groundwater data, aquifer recharge, and pesticide stewardship partnership (PSP) projects; learn more under the "Monitoring" tab.

Assessments and Planning

Sometimes, gathering baseline data is a project in and of itself! Our assessment and planning projects give us insight on current conditions and can help us strategize the most effective solutions to any area's given problem. Learn more about these under the "Projects" tab.

Habitat Restoration

Once we have baseline data and plans in place, it's occasionally time to double down in an area and get some restoration work on the ground. All our restoration projects go through several phases of design approval to ensure that what we place will do what the environment, and any nearby residents, need it to do.

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Aquifer Recharge Success

Look at how much water MAR restored to our aquifer in the 2021 season and learn how you can do (mar) to help.

MAR Program

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Employment Opportunities

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Learn More The Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council

Get more information about this incredible organization, their features, and discover how they can help you with your future projects.